At a Full Council meeting (19.10.23) Leader of the Conservative Group Cllr Pauline Jorgensen asked the Executive Member for Highways and Transport to think again about his decision not to proceed with a crossing on Shinfield Road.
A crossing would allow children at Crosfields School to walk or cycle to school and would reduce congestion as fewer parents would need to drive their children to school.
Cllr Jorgensen highlighted a recent accident where a 7 year old boy had been knocked down by a cyclist.
Cllr Fishwick told Cllr Jorgensen that a crossing at that road was not a priority, and that the previous assessment was designed to be based on need and not for those who shout the loudest. Cllr Fishwick went on to say “accidents do happen”.
Cllr Jorgensen expressed surprise that an accident which was attended by paramedics did not make the site a priority.
She also asked if the Council would speak to the school about funding the crossing which Cllr Fishwick didn’t make a firm commitment to.
Local resident Rachel Moore said, “I am extremely disappointed at Cllr Fishwick's lack of concern for our children's safety.
“The Conservatives have given crossings to most of the schools in the Borough and were progressing a crossing to my daughter's school when they lost control of the Council. Most of us expected that the Liberal Democrats would make safety on the Shinfield Road a high priority and we are both shocked and dismayed that they do not consider this to be a 'priority'.”
Cllr Pauline Jorgensen, Leader of the Conservative Group, said:
“I am surprised that the Liberal Democrat administration do not consider this accident to make the need for a crossing a priority.
“I am also surprised that they haven’t engaged with the school and won’t commit to reassessing the road for a crossing.
“This is a busy and dangerous road. People do not cross there for that reason.
“Parents want to be able to walk their children to school safely.
“This is an obvious opportunity to help people walk their children to school, aligning with the Council’s objectives of providing safer routes to school – it would also significantly reduce the traffic and pollution on Shinfield Road to the benefit of all residents.
“Cllr Fishwick’s response speaks volumes about the administration’s attitude to residents.
“The Liberal Democrats just don’t want to hear the voice of local people and instead plough on with whatever the Council thinks is good for them.
“Wokingham Borough urgently needs an administration that will listen to residents and deliver on their needs, and you will only get that with the Conservatives.”